201-2 Where To Buy Fisher Sub Sieve Sizer Model 95, Fisher Scientific Replace Accessories Spare Parts?
Fisher Scientific Sub Sieve Sizer Model 95 Parts
A Sub Sieve Sizer was first invented and manufactured by Fisher Scientific (Now part of Thermo Fisher) in United States. HMKTest is also a world leading manufacturer of fisher subsieve sizer. After Fisher Scientific discontinued producing such instrument, HMKTest still continues to research and improve his HMK-22 Fisher Sub Sieve Sizer. Years of investment and research as well as involvement of American specialist make for the satisfying quality and performance of our export type HMK-22 Fisher Sub Sieve Sizer. HMK-22 fisher sub sieve sizer has become best successor of discontinued Fisher Model 95. At same time HMKTest offers fisher sub sieve sizer accessories and spare parts such as sub sieve sizer calibrator(calibration tube), porous plug, sample tube, fisher sub sieve sizer filter paper disc, etc for replacement in Fisher Model 95.
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HMK-22 Fisher Sub Sieve Sizer/Average Particle Size Analyzer (FSSS) is an optimal tool for subsieve particle size analysis and has become the best successor of discontinued Fisher Scientific Sub-Sieve Sizer(FSSS) Fisher Model 95. It uses Air Permeability Principle to fast determine the Average Particle Size i.e. Fisher Number of powders. HMK-22 Fisher Sub-Sieve Sizer completely meets international standards about fisher sub sieve sizers ASTM B 330 Standard Test Method for Fisher Number of Metal Powders and Related Compounds and ISO 10070 Metallic powders Determination of envelope-specific surface area from the measurements of the permeability to air of a powder bed under steady-state flow conditions. HMK-22 Fisher Sub Sieve Sizer meets the urgent requirement of the industry to find a quality successor to particle sizing technique by air permeability device such as fisher model 95. It gives operators completely same test experience and the results agrees completely with all the tested data obtained by a Fisher Scientific Sub-Sieve Sizer Model 95.
- Voltage Requirement: 220V/115V (+ or -10%), 50-60 Hz
- Power Requirement: 0.30 amps (30 Watts)
- Test Range
Average Particle Diameter/Size: 0.2 to 50 microns (um) - Porosity: 0.25-0.40/0.40-0.80/0.80-0.95
- Repeatability:<3%
- Accuracy: <3%
HMK-22 Fisher Sub Sieve Sizer https://www.aimsizer.com