301-40 Powder tapped density meter
301-40 Powder tapped density meter
The tapped density meter is the instrument that measure the powder’s tapped density. HMKTest produces AS-100 Economic Tapped Density Meter and LABULK 0335 Intelligent Touch Screen Tapped Density Meter. It is suitable for the tests of tapped density of all kinds of powder. Compact the powder and determine the volume of the powder after compaction, and the density of the powder was obtained by dividing the mass by the volume. The tapped density meter can only measure powder, cannot measure the liquid. LABULK 0335 Intelligent Touch Screen Tapped Density Meter automatically measures, calculates and prints out the results. At the same time, it can measure and calculate the powder’s fluidity automatically. It is the most advanced tapped density meter at present.
LABULK 0335 Tapped Density Tester︱Tap Density Tester︱Tapped Density Analyzer︱Tapped Density Meter