AS-200 Scott Volumeter

AS-200 Scott Volumeter USD 399 apparent density scott –scott volumeter installation –scott density –overview –scott volumeter video –scott density principle –apparatus –applications –scott volumeter supplier –brochure download –buy together Scott Volumeter is a typical apparent density tester being widely used in powder physical property testing. It is used to determine the apparent density/bulk density (scott density) of free-flowing powders. AS-200 Scott Volumeter conforms to ASTM B 329, ASTM B 873, ISO 3923 – 2, EP and USP Chapter 616 II A Scott Volumeter consists of a base and support, an upper funnel, 4 glass baffles, a bottom funnel, a density cup with calibrated volume 25cc etc. AS-200 Scott Volumeter is designed for bulk powder applications such as paint and pigment, pharmaceutical and metal powder etc. AimSizer can supply square Density cup with calibrated volumen 16,39 +/- 0.05 ml and 16 mesh stailess steel screen as per request.