301 Compressibility Index Measurement by LABULK 0335 Tap Density Tester
Compressibility Index is a calculated data other than measured data, it is calculated by the Compressibility Index Formula: Compressibility index using bulk density. For a LABULK 0335 Intelligent Tap Density Tester, compressibility index calculation is automatic.
- Compressibility Index = 100(V0 – VF)/V0
- V0 is unsettled apparent volume
- VF is final tapped volume
The Compressibility Index is measure of the propensity of a powder to be compressed as described above. As such it is measure of the powder’s ability to settle, and it permit an assessment of the relative importance of interparticulate interactions. Compressibility index and flowability is related. In a free-flowing powder, such interactions are less significant, and the bulk and tapped densities will be closer in value. For poorer flowing materials, there are frequently greater interparticle interactions, and a greater difference between the bulk and tapped densities will be observed. These differences are reflected in the Compressibility Index.In order to obtain compressibility index operator in the lab should first obtain apparent density and second obtain tapped density. Compressibility index usp is widely cared. Compressibility index and Hausner Ratio is two major physical properties automatically obtained by LABULK 0335 Tap Density Tester.
The Carr index (also: Carr’s index or Carr’s Compressibility Index is an indication of the compressibility of a powder. It is named after the scientist Ralph J. Carr, Jr.
Compressibility Index can be obtained by LABULK 0335 Intelligent Tap Density Tester or HMKFlow 6393 Powder Characteristics Tester

LABULK 0335 Intelligent Tap Density Tester
LABULK 0335 Tapped Density Tester︱Tap Density Tester︱Tapped Density Analyzer︱Tapped Density Meter